Welcome to Kisandapp

With Kisandapp, we want to digitalize the agriculture sector of India. With our app we will digitalize the all the steps of farmering process from cultivation to harvesting.

Crop Planning

We’ll construct a knowledge base for each crop with animations, as well as a crop calendar.

Crop Tools

Information on the latest crop tools and technologies, to help farmers to make informed decisions

Govt. Schemes

Regular updates about the latest govt scheme offered so farmers can take benefits of it.

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About Us

Introduction to Kisandapp

The purpose of this Kisandapp is that we should give all kinds of features to the farmer, which will help him at each step in converting his hard work into smart work, with mobile application, IoT etc. We are going to prepare such a mixture of machines and big data analysis, which will work to revolutionize smart farming, today the government is making every effort to double the income of the farmer, we are also ready to work shoulder to shoulder. For this we need your cooperation.
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App Features

Crop Planning

Offers expert guidance on crop selection, planting schedules, and best practices for optimal yield

Diseases Solution

Treat crop diseases with the app's comprehensive database of agricultural diseases

Govt. Scheme

Stay updated on government agricultural schemes, subsidies, and support programs

Farming Tools

Information about the latest and most efficient farming equipment and tools available on the market

Diseases information

Animal & Plant Diseases

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